Lead Service Line Inventory
RCAP provides assistance and guidance in completing lead service line inventories. Through several state and federal programs, we are able to help rural communities research, document, and verify service line materials.
Lead Service Inspections
RCAP provides key services for communities to inspect and assess lead service lines. Services include:
- Historical records review, research, and document digitizing.
- Local resource gathering including plumbing codes, ordinances, and county property data.
- Compilation of institutional memory from water department.
- Outreach to water customers to solicit self-surveys.
- Door-to-door canvasing to inspect private service lines and meters.
- Potholing services to uncover and inspect service lines at the right-of-way.
- Report and inventory sheet development.
For more information
Interested in RCAP's services? Send us a message at the below link.