Senior Helping Hands
Get help with maintenance, repairs and more through Senior Helping Hands.
Household help for seniors
Senior Helping Hands is here to help with health and safety related household issues that may prevent seniors from receiving other needed services. Senior Helping Hands identifies ways to eliminate barriers, fix areas in need of repair, work with contractors, provide financial assistance and provide other needs. Our goal is to help seniors remain in their homes and live independently and safely.
Independent living improvements
Senior Helping Hands offers independent living improvements such as:
- Installation of grab bars and handrails
- Hand-held shower wands
- Modifications for handicap toilet access
- Ramp repair
- Kitchen/bathroom faucet modification
Health and safety improvements
We also help with services that improve health and safety conditions of a home such as:
- Installing window air conditioning units
- Removing clutter and heavy cleaning and scrubbing for mildew removal
- One-time pest control for infestations such as fleas, bedbugs or rodents
- One-time intervention for health and safety-related house cleaning and waste removal
- Installing or repairing deadbolt locks
- Repairing window screens
- Changing light bulbs, unclogging drain and fixing pilot lights
Eligibility and cost
Senior Helping Hands assistance is available for Sandusky County senior homeowners ages 60 and over. Priority will be given to seniors who are homebound, receive Meals on Wheels, or have been approved for GLCAP home repair or weatherization programs. Applications and work will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
The service is available at no cost to seniors at or below 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines (e.g. $2,127 per month/household of one; $2,873 per month/household of two). The service is also available on a sliding fee scale based on household income for those above Federal Poverty Guidelines. Call for more information.
Services listed above are limited based on insurance liability and risk. This program does not provide lawn care or leaf raking.
The Senior Helping Hands service is funded by the Sandusky County Senior Levy.

Meals on Wheels
GLCAP Meals on Wheels offers weekday, home-delivered lunches for eligible Sandusky County seniors ages 60 and older.

Senior Center Services
GLCAP senior centers host daily lunches, education, socialization activities, medical assessments and other services for seniors ages 60 and over.

Home Repair
The GLCAP Home Repair program provides help for electrical, plumbing, roof, HVAC, and other home repair needs.