Online scheduling makes winter heating assistance easy

Those seeking heating assistance through the Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP) Winter Crisis Program may easily set up appointments online through the GLCAP website at
Applicants may also schedule by calling 567-432-5046. Appointments will be conducted in person.
This past year, GLCAP’s Summer Crisis Program served 795 people in Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, and Wood County. Winter Crisis Program numbers typically exceed this figure, with 1,188 having been served during the previous cold-weather season. GLCAP Energy Assistance Specialist Cortney Sturgill said that online scheduling helps staff best serve those who need heating assistance.
“We get many requests for assistance throughout the winter season,” Sturgill said. “The scheduling system allows us to help the public as efficiently and quickly as possible.”
The Winter Crisis Program helps residents of Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, and Wood counties who have received a gas or electric disconnect notice or have disconnected utilities. The program also helps households with less than 25 percent bulk fuel supplies such as wood, propane, or fuel oil. The program also assists residents who need new or transferred service with a utility company, or residents with non-working furnaces.
Households must also be at or below 175 percent of federal poverty guidelines (e.g. $25,515 annual income/household of one; $52,500 annual income/family of four) in order to be eligible for assistance. More eligibility details are available on GLCAP’s website at