Meals on Wheels provides nutritious meals to 494 seniors in 2023

The Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP) Meals on Wheels program provided nutritious meals to 494 Sandusky County senior residents in 2023, making for a total of 72,144 meals served.
The program provides home-delivered lunches Monday-Thursday for eligible homebound seniors ages 60 and older. While seniors are welcome to make donations for meals, the program serves all eligible seniors, regardless of their ability to afford the cost of meals.
“We are committed to serving all seniors who qualify for Meals on Wheels,” Senior Services Director Robin Richter said.
Along with providing meals, regular weekday visits from Meals on Wheels drivers ensure that clients are safe and healthy while in their homes. If a client does not come to the door as expected during a driver’s regular visit, the driver can notify the family to check and see if assistance is needed.
GLCAP Senior Services has also partnered with local restaurants, including Ole Zim’s Wagon Shed in Gibsonburg, as well as Casa Fiesta and CR Juices in Fremont, to offer a variety of meals for homebound seniors. The project was supported through an Ohio Department of Aging Small Business Restaurant Initiative grant starting in 2021. Additional funding was provided by the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs in 2023.
“The partnership with Casa Fiesta, CR Juices, and Ole Zim’s has provided more variety in what we can offer to our seniors, and helps seniors feel more connected to the community,” said Senior Services Nutrition Coordinator Alexis Massie, who helped organize the partnership.
For more information, visit or call 419-333-5082.