Winter heating assistance begins Nov. 1

Support for homes in need of winter heating assistance through Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP) will start next week, Nov. 1.
GLCAP’s Winter Crisis Program serves Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, and Wood County households that are at risk of a utility shut-off, have disconnected utilities, or need to establish or transfer new service. The program also helps households that have a 25% or less supply of bulk fuel such as kerosene or propane.
Eligible households must be at or below 175% federal poverty guidelines (e.g. $25,515/household of one, $52,500/household of four). Applicants must provide a list of all household members, including social security numbers, birthdates, proof of citizenship; proof of income for all household members for the previous 30 days or 12 months; and copies of recent utility bills.
The scheduling hotline for appointments is available at 567-432-5046. Scheduling may also be conducted online at Appointments will be conducted in-person. The Winter Crisis program runs through March 31, 2024.
Households in need of water utility assistance are also encouraged to seek help through GLCAP. Now extended through March 31, 2024, GLCAP’s Water Utility Assistance program helps households with disconnected service or at risk of disconnection and helps residents to establish new service or transfer service. Details are available by calling 1-800-775-9767.