Head Start preschool opportunities available through GLCAP

Early learning opportunities are available for preschool students through the Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP) Head Start program.
GLCAP Head Start offers no-cost, full-day preschool and childcare that focuses on kindergarten readiness, socialization, and other important developmental needs for children and families. Centers are located in Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, and Wood counties.
While eligibility is based on federal poverty guidelines, program staff consider each family’s situation and assist them in finding the best option for their family’s circumstances. Children in foster care or identified as homeless are also eligible, regardless of income. Children with disabilities are welcome and accommodated at all centers. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to call for details.
For a complete list of centers or for more information visit www.glcap.org/headstart or call 1-800-775-9767.